MISSIONS VS. GAMES: Missions consist of several games linked together. Each game has it's own objectives and rules. Until you have completed a mission by playing all the games in the mission, you may not start another mission. Note that you may not replace or aquire troops or weapons during a mission, only between missions! You may promote during a mission and may buy skills during a mission, however. For more details, check the Imperial Explorator Campaign Rules. Remember that for each mission, you must select an Environment too.  Click here for bonus missions.
BATTLE GAMES: (vs. normal EXPLORATION games) Some games are described as BATTLE games. Generally (but not always), encounter blips are not used for battle games. Instead, one player must volunteer to run the enemy forces. Each Squad must total up it's CAP, LOY and EXP spent, then deduct losses to determine their VALUE. The total value of all the squads added together determines the number of points the enemy player may use to purchase their forces, using the ENEMY CHARTS. Typically the enemy player will set up his forces using Enemy Blips- place the blips face down and treat them as hidden models. The Enemy player always goes last in a BATTLE game unless otherwise indicated. In exchange for running instead of playing, the enemy player's squad earns 2 LOY, +1 CAP for each MISSION they have already run (so the third MISSION they ran, they would earn 2 LOY and 2 CAP). They do not earn any default points for completing a game or mission.
HIGHWAY GAMES: Highway games use the following special rules. Squads may requisition vehicles but not troops. Any squad that wants to may use a civilian vehicle for free instead of requisitioning their own (choose either a car or a truck). TRUCK: Move 10, Transport 10 troops (open), includes 1 vehicle card. CAR: Move 14, Transport 5 troops (open). Any vehicle can transport an additional 3 models beyond their normal amount if need be, but the models will not get any cover!
SET UP: Place a road (or river!) running the length of the board. The road may not be more than 6" wide, but it can branch if you like, as long as all possible paths end off the far side of the board. Place 6 blips per squad along the length of the road such that vehicles will have to reveal at least one blip per player to travel the length of the road. Start all vehicles at the head of the trail.
ROUGH ROAD: Unless your vehicle is a skimmer, vehicles use the following rules Instead of the usual TRAP effects. Do NOT remove the trap blip once revealed. Trap blips do not have an area effect. If the vehicle drives over a TRAP blip, it must roll once on the SKID CHART (roll 1d6)- 1: No effect. 2-3: Vehicle turns 45 degrees left and moves forward 3". 4-5: Vehicle turns 45 degrees right and moves forward 3". 6: Vehicle rolls on it's side! Vehicle cannot move until three models (or one BIG model) spend an action adjacent to the vehicle to upright it.
OFF-ROAD: If a vehicle leaves the road for any reason, randomly draw one blip and play it on the vehicle immediately. Off-road movement is at half normal. If the vehicle continues to drive off road, draw and play a blip on it every turn it spends off-road. Boats that hit the shore will stop, and take OO in damage.
RIVER RULES: Treat "road" as a river. If a boat is destroyed, surviving troops will fall in the water and drift 1/2 their normal move downstream (back towards the start). Troops armed with special or heavy weapons will have to drop the weapon to stay afloat! (Treat as lost). Troops in the water may either move or spend an action, not both. It takes a full move to climb up onto any adjacent boat. Each squad earns +1 EXP for the mission if river rules are used.

BACKGROUND: You must bring rebellious inhabitants back into the Imperial fold.

SUMMARY: The squads must locate the entrance to the rebel hideout.
SET UP: Place 5 blips per player, plus one objective blip that represents the entrance. Squads start on any board edge.
GAME ENDS WHEN: Objective blip is found.
REWARDS: Squad that finds the entrance: +1 LOY

SUMMARY: You must recover rebels, alive and intact if possible.
SET UP: Place 5 blips per player, plus 3 Ambush blips per player. Squads start on any board edge.
SPECIAL RULES: Ambush blips are REBELS: M6, A1, H1, Melee oo, Shooting 1 Basic weapon. Rebels will attack, then move towards the nearest board edge each turn. If they get off the board, they escape. Rebels will not move within 1" of any player character, and will only move over obstacles if they have to (so you can "herd" them if you place your models cleverly).
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips are resolved.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for each rebel knocked out.
BACKGROUND: A tornado, flood, earthquake, etc. hits an imperial outpost.

SUMMARY: The squads are sent out to rescue any survivors.
SET UP: Use the ADVERSE CONDITIONS rules for this game. Place 5 random blips per squad anywhere on the board. Squads start on any board edge.
SPECIAL RULES: If you find a LOOT or a BOGUS blip, roll a red die and add 1: you find that many civilians huddled where the blip lies. To rescue a civilian, you must assign them to one of your adjacent models-- you may not have more than two civilians assigned to each model. The civilian will move with that model until you get them to a board edge, at which point they will be rescued. Civilians have a move of 6, no armor, and 1 hit, and roll 1 white in melee- they can be affected by hazards and will be the preferred target for any enemies revealed by Ambush blips.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips are resolved and all civilians rescued.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for every three civilians rescued.

SUMMARY: Lowlife scum begin looting supplies during the confusion.
SET UP: Place several buildings along a central street in the center of the board. Place 10 civilian looters per Squad anywhere in the street. Looters have a move of 6, no armor, and 1 hit, and roll two whites in melee (armed with clubs). Squads start on any board edge.
SPECIAL RULES: The looters get their own turn before each turn of the first player. During the looters' turn, any looters in the street will move towards the nearest building with the least number of looters already there. Once next to a building, they will try to force entry (two whites in melee). Once inside, they will spend an action looting: roll a d6 on the chart below to see how they behave:
1: SQUATTER- The looter hides, and will not do anything until revealed, at which point they will try to go to another building (roll again when they get there). 2-3: SCAVENGER- The looter picks up supplies (mark them with some kind of marker). They are treated as CARRYING, and will head for the nearest board edge. 4-5: CRIMINAL- Replace the looter with a Ganger model: Move 6, armor 1, hits 1, armed with 2 points worth of basic/ pistol weapons. They will attack the nearest Squad member, or if no squad member is within 12" and line of sight, will take extra move towards the nearest board edge. If armed with a pistol when meleed, they will snap fire- otherwise, they will parry. 6: TERRORIST- Replace the looter with a Ganger model armed with a special or heavy weapon - move 5, armor 1, hits 1. They will shoot at the nearest Squad member, or if no squad member is within line of sight, they will move into cover and hide. They will AMBUSH anyone that reveals them.
SUBDUING MODELS: looters, squatters and scavengers must be KOed. Criminals and Terrorists must be killed.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All looters have escaped or been subdued.
REWARDS: For every 3 models subdued, earn 1 CAP.
BACKGROUND: The team is sent to investigate rumours of an ancient alien crypt.
RESTRICTIONS: You may not use Vehicles in the second or third game.

SUMMARY: The teams comb through hostile territory, searching for an entrance to the crypt.
SET UP: Place 5 blips per player, plus one Objective blip per two players to represent a SECRET ENTRANCE.
GAME ENDS WHEN: Secret entrance found.
REWARDS: Team that finds an entrance: +1 LOY

SUMMARY: The teams enter the crypt in search of artifacts.
SET UP: The Ancient Temple environment is recommended. Place 5 blips per player, plus one Objective blip per player to represent Artifacts. Place one entrance to the crypt per player- teams may start at any entrance not already taken by another player.
SPECIAL RULES: When you grab an artifact, immediately draw one encounter blip- it immediately "goes off" where the artifact blip was.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All Artifacts have been found.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for finding an artifact.

SUMMARY: The teams must escape with the artifacts but it won't be easy.
SET UP: Use the same layout as for game 2 but remove the old blips. Place 5 new blips per player along all routes leading off the board. All teams start in the center of the board. At the end of each turn of the last player, roll one red die per player- that many enemies (as described in the AMBUSH rules) will appear in the center of the board, and move towards the nearest player model to attack them, preferring to attack models with artifacts.
SPECIAL RULES: Use ADVERSE CONDITIONS for this game. Indicate which models are carrying any artifacts found in game 2. If they take any kind of hit, they will drop the artifact. The dropped artifact may be recovered by any adjacent player model by spending an action.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All teams have escaped the crypt.
REWARDS: +3 CAP for each Artifact recovered.
BACKGROUND: The local governor puts a bounty on dangerous beasts.
RESTRICTIONS: You may requisition vehicles but not additional troops.

SUMMARY: While in the field, squads flush out lesser foes.
SET UP: Place 5 blips per player. Teams start on any board edge. Treat BOGUS blips as AMBUSHES.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips have been resolved.
REWARDS: +1 CAP for every 3 killed AMBUSH enemies.

SUMMARY: The squads track down the king of beasts, who is more wily than they thought!
SET UP: Place 5 blips per player. Teams start on any board edge. Treat BOGUS blips as AMBUSHES.
SPECIAL RULES: Any AMBUSH blips found act as an ATTACK from the Beast: Armor 2, 5 hits, Melee 5 Reds. The Beast immediately attacks in melee. If the Beast ties, it will THROW it's opponent- move them 6" directly away from the beast (as KB). The beast will stay in place until the end of the turn of the team that revealed it, and will then "Disappear" into the terrain- remove the AMBUSH blip from play. The next time an AMBUSH blip is found, the Beast will reappear, so keep track of it's total number of hits.
GAME ENDS WHEN: the Beast is killed or all blips have been revealed.
REWARDS: Wound the beast: +1 LOY. Kill the beast: +2 EXP
BACKGROUND: A rise in enemy attacks calls for drastic measures.
RESTRICTIONS: You may only requisition additional troops or vehicles for GAME 2.

SUMMARY: Patrolling troops are caught in an ambush, and must make it back to base.
SET UP: All squads must start on one board edge (the Entry edge). Squads cannot use any LEADER character with more than 3 hits in this game!! Place one AMBUSH POINT per player, on any board edge but the Entry edge. Place 3 blips per squad, plus one objective blip to represent the EXIT, at least 12" from the Entry edge.
SPECIAL RULES: Note that ENEMY refers to the enemy type indicated by the Environment's AMBUSH rules. The enemies get their own turn after the last player's turn. At the start of an enemy turn, roll 2 red dice for each ambush point- that many enemies will move towards and attack the nearest squad from the ambush point.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All troops make it to the EXIT.
REWARDS: Squad that finds the exit: +1 LOY. Squad gets anyone out the exit: +1 EXP.

SUMMARY: Upon hearing the news, forces in the base decide to counterattack the enemies.
SET UP: Place 3 blips per player, plus 3 Ambush blips per player. Squads start on any board edge.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips have been resolved.
REWARDS: +1/2 CAP or +1 LOY per enemy killed.

BACKGROUND:Your transport ship malfunctions, and plunges into the rough terrain below!
RESTRICTIONS: You may not requisition additional troops or vehicles for this scenario.

SUMMARY: Critical supplies such as Communicators, Porta-shelters, and Rations must be collected.
SET UP: Place ship wreckage in the board center. Randomly place 5 blips and 1 Objective blip per player, anywhere on the board but at least 6" from the wreckage. Squads may start anywhere in or next to the wreckage.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All the Objective Blips have been picked up.
REWARDS: Each Objective picked up: +1 LOY.

SUMMARY: A distress call has been sent, but enemy forces converge on the waiting team...
SET UP: Use the same setup as the previous game, leaving any revealed hazards and unrevealed blips on the board. Place 2 SPOTLIGHT markers in the center of the wreckage. Squads may start anywhere in or next to the wreckage. Place 2 ENTRY POINTS per player, evenly spread around the board edges. Keep a stack of markers handy to indicate hidden enemy troops.
SPECIAL RULES: This game takes place at NIGHT, so treat the whole board as in darkness. By spending an action next to a spotlight marker, any troop may pick up and carry a SPOTLIGHT, which is treated as a Special Weapon. If fired, place a Flamer Template that reveals hidden models but does no other damage. Note that ENEMY refers to the enemy type indicated by the Environment's AMBUSH rules. Because it is dark, enemies start hidden, so use markers to represent enemies until they are revealed. The enemies get their own turn before the first player's turn. At the start of an enemy turn, roll two red dice for each entry point- that many enemies will move towards the wreckage from the entry point. If they reach the wreckage, they will attack the nearest model. If they survive, have them attack again before retreating into the night on their next turn.
GAME ENDS WHEN: The team has survived for 5 full turns.
REWARDS: For every 5 enemies killed: +1 EXP. Squad that kills the most enemies: +2 LOY.
BACKGROUND: An alien force threatens the planet.
SPECIAL NOTE: Once you start an alien invasion, you can continue to use the alien forces as enemies in other Missions.

SUMMARY: The team is sent to investigate strange sightings.
SET UP: Place 5 blips per player. Teams start on any board edge. Treat BOGUS blips as AMBUSHES- these will be 3 points of enemy forces each.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips have been resolved.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for every 3 enemies killed.

SUMMARY: Alien forces overrun an Imperial Outpost!
SET UP: Set up the scenery in a defensive layout. Squads start anywhere on the board, and may start hidden. Use DOUBLE the normal number of enemies! Enemy forces get the first turn, and may enter the board from any edge. The enemies do not have to enter on the first turn.
SPECIAL RULES: Enemy forces do NOT get to roll for cards each turn- they may only take the cards they would normally get for any leader models they use. All enemies must move at least 3" towards and attack Imperial forces every turn.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All enemy forces have been wiped out.
REWARDS: Each squad earns +1 LOY. For every 25 pts. of enemies killed, earn +1 EXP.
BACKGROUND: Advancing enemy forces jeopardize a town. Get them out!
RESTRICTIONS: Both games are highway games.

GAME 1: FLEE (Highway Game)
SUMMARY: Squads must round up civilians before the enemy arrive.
SET UP: Do not use blips for this game. Run a road down the length of the board. Mark one of the long ends of the board as the Entry/Exit, and place several buildings at the other end. On either side of the road, about halfway down the board, place 2 Enemy Entry points (at least 12" from the nearest building). Place four civilians per player in amongst the buildings, starting hidden. Players must start on the entry/exit side of the board. If one squad shows up late (2 turns into the game), have them start on the TOWN edge of the board. ENEMIES: get the first turn. Roll 2 reds per team- that many enemies appear on the enemy edge, and will move towards the village. Enemies will attack the nearest civilian they can get to, or the nearest Team member if they can't get to a civilian.
SPECIAL RULES: You must force entry into any building. You must spend an action next to a civilian to take control of them. Civilians move 6, have 0 armor, and 1 hit, and roll 1 white in melee.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All living civilians and Imperial forces make it off the Exit edge of the board.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for every 2 civilians rescued.

GAME 2: AMBUSH (Highway Game)
SUMMARY: You must transport civilians back through enemy territory.
SET UP: See HIGHWAY rules for blips. Place 3 civilians per squad in any vehicle of the squad's choosing. Any Squad that has lost a vehicle in the previous game must use a civilian vehicle in this one. Start at one end of the board.
SPECIAL RULES: Use the Highway Game rules for this game. Treat any BOGUS blips as ambushes. Ambush enemies should be armed with heavy weapons if possible. place the enemy in the nearest cover to the road and have them attack the nearest vehicle, hitting the passengers if possible (remember open vehicles act as cover, so have the civilians hide if they can). The ambushers may not move out of line of sight of the road.
HOT PURSUIT: At the end of each turn, roll 2 reds per player and place that many enemies at the starting edge! (Use the same type of enemies as in game 1). They will move towards and attack the closest vehicle.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All living civilians and Imperial forces make it off the far side of the board.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for each civilian you get off the board.
NOTE: All games are BATTLE games- one player must volunteer to run enemies.
BACKGROUND: While on patrol, the team's base is attacked!
RESTRICTIONS: You may not requisition until game 3 (see game 3).
OUT OF AMMO: Any weapon that fails cannot be used for the rest of the mission, including weapons that normally ignore fails (such as lasguns). Weapons that only roll one die will run out of ammo if they max out on even the one die!

SUMMARY: The team must make their way back to base if they hope to survive.
SET UP: Set up the scenery in a defensive layout to represent the base. Each squad must place 3 civilians inside the base that they are assigned to protect- they may start hidden. The enemy player places enemy blips anywhere on the board and 12" away from the nearest civilian (they may start hidden). Squads start on any board edge.
SPECIAL RULES: When an ENEMY blip is revealed, the enemy will immediatley move towards the base and attack any civilians they can. If the enemy is already revealed, it will attack the nearest imperial model on the enemy player's turn. Civilians may fight- Move 6, Armor 0, 1 hit, base melee one white, armed with a stub and a knife (or equivelant). The enemy player may not reveal blips unless they come in contact with the base. The enemy player may move unrevealed blips 6" each turn until they are revealed.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All enemy blips have been resolved.
REWARDS: +1 CAP if all your civilians are still alive.

SUMMARY: The enemies return and besiege the base.
SET UP: Use the setup for Game 1. Squads start anywhere on the board, and may start hidden. Enemy forces get the first turn, and may enter the board from any edge. The enemies do not have to enter on the first turn.
SPECIAL RULES: All enemies must move at least 3" towards and attack the base each turn, and if they can attack a civilian, they will. As in game 1, civilians may fight.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All enemy forces on the board have been wiped out.
REWARDS: +1 EXP if any of your civilians are still alive.

SUMMARY: Help is on the way, but the enemies attack with total abandon.
SET UP: Use the setup for Game 1. Squads start anywhere on the board, and may start hidden. Use DOUBLE the normal number of enemies! Enemy forces get the first turn, and may enter the board from any edge. The enemies do not have to enter on the first turn.
SPECIAL RULES: Enemy forces may not use any cards this time. All enemies must move at least 3" towards and attack the base each turn, and if they can attack a civilian, they will. As in game 1, civilians may fight.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All enemy forces on the board have been wiped out.
REWARDS: +1 LOY for each of your civilians that survives.
BACKGROUND: The team must blow up a remote bridge with unstable explosives.

GAME 1: EXPLOSIVE CARGO (Highway game)
SUMMARY: You must transport unstable explosives on rough roads.
SET UP: Each squad must take up to 3 cases of nitro in their vehicle(s). Light vehicles (like bikes) can only carry 1 case of nitro each, so you'll have to take at least 3 light vehicles.
SPECIAL RULES: Keep track of the number of turns played, and the number of nitro cases you have at the end of the battle! (you'll need to know for the next game). Use the Highway Game rules for this game. Vehicles are recommended against taking extra move (it could set off the nitro). Treat LOOT blips as AMBUSH. Each time a vehicle carrying any Nitro A-takes a hit, B-leaves the road, C-flips on it's side (from the Wipeout chart): Roll a red die, plus one red for each case of nitro carried, +1 if you're taking extra move. If you roll a 4 or more, the Nitro explodes! The vehicle automatically takes 2 reds +2 damage (ignores armor). Check for blast on any other Nitros in the vehicle (add +1 to the check).
GAME ENDS WHEN: All vehicles (that can still move) get off the far side of the board.
REWARDS: +2 LOY to the first vehicle off the board. +1 CAP for each case of nitro you get off the board.

SUMMARY: You must use the explosives to destroy the bridge.
SET UP: Divide the board in half with a river, canyon, etc. Place a bridge over the divider and run roads from the bridge to the farthest board edges. Players start on the road at one board edge. Enemy forces enter from the opposite board edge. ENEMIES:The enemies get several turns before the players: take the number of turns played in game 1 and subtract 3 from it. Play that many turns with the ENEMIES before the players enter the board on their own turns. Each enemy turn, roll 2 reds per player- that many enemies enter the board on their edge and move towards the bridge. Once at the bridge, enemies will fire at the nearest player model, then move forward onto the bridge to get closer to the players if they haven't moved yet. They will ignore demo charges.
SPECIAL RULES: Treat the Nitro cases as demo charges that roll OOOO+4. You MUST place demo charges in the center of the bridge to do any damage to it. The bridge has 2 armor and 10 hits. When it has taken all 10 hits, it will collapse- anyone on or under the bridge will take OOO +3P (so vehicles will take at least one hit). If you run out of demo charges, you must hit the center of the bridge with melee or ranged weapons to finish it off!
ALTERNATE RULES: You could have to destroy buildings instead of a bridge- place 5 buildings per player.
GAME ENDS WHEN: Bridge is blown and all squads have escaped off their own board edge.
REWARDS: Team destroys the bridge: +2 LOY. Team kills the most enemies: +1 EXP.

SUMMARY: Several troops have been captured by giant spiders, and must be recovered!
SET UP: One player must volunteer to run the spiders. Place ALL the AMBUSH and TRAP blips, plus 4 random blips per Squad. Place one PRISONER per player , in remote locations on the board. Place (# players -1) SPIDER ENTRANCEs on the board, near the prisoners. You will also need the following models: at least 1 GIANT spider, 2 spider SWARMS, and at least 4 Medium spiders. HINT: Use toy spiders if you don't have enough spider miniatures. Make sure you have as many spider models as you can, esp. MEDIUM ones.
TRAPS: Trap blips are WEBS. When discovered, roll OOO vs. Target's melee. Graze = Stun- may move directly AWAY from web on your next turn (as stun). Kill= model is TRAPPED. Use a marker to indicate trapped models. While trapped, may not move, and melee is awkward, May only fire PISTOL weapons. If trapped, may try to escape by beating the WEB in melee (as melee attack). If you fail to beat the web, you are still trapped, and if it grazes, you take a stun! Webs may be DESTROYED by any weapon with a BURN or BLAST effect- attack the square with the blip in it. Treat as 1 armor, 1 hit- any graze will destroy it. Flamers add +1 against webs.
AMUSH: Ambush blips are, of course, SPIDERS. Roll a 1D6 on the SPIDER chart below to see what type it is. If you don't have any more models for the type rolled, the Spider player may CHOOSE a type to place! Note that spiders found by blips will move at the end of the player's turn who discovered them, then AGAIN on the Spider player's turn if they haven't been killed already.
 Roll  Spider Type M A H  Melee  Special
 1-2  Swarm 8 1 3 OOO RO (-1 / hit) EVADE: all incoming damage -O (As forcefield)
 3-5  Medium 6 1 1 OOO AMBUSH: May attack immediately if revealed!
 6  Giant  6 1 3 OOOO RO Scythes SHOOT WEB: Flamer Template. As TRAP hazard for target models.

RULES FOR ALL SPIDERS: Spiders ignore hazards and do not reveal blips. They do not have to attack the nearest target- they may move however the Spider Player wishes them to, including hiding, taking extra move, etc. They may NOT loot or carry anything!
POISON- If a spider ties in melee (or wins when Parrying), it will automatically do a WOUND to the target (vs. living only).
RELENTLESS- Spiders may ignore awkward melee penalties resulting from being stunned, wounded, etc.
CLIMB- Spiders may move along ANY surface as part of their normal move. They may move past enemies this way!
SCUTTLE- spiders stay close to terrain- treat them behind front cover at all times (unless adjacent).
FLAMMABLE- Flamers, Hand Flamers, and Heavy Flamers add +1 to attacks against spiders.

SPIDER PLAYER'S TURN: After the players go, the spiders get a turn of their own! Roll 1 red die for each SPIDER ENTRANCE- bring that many spiders onto the board of a random type (as Ambush above). Then move and attack with all spiders on the board however you see fit.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All prisoners have been rescued.
REWARDS: Get a prisoner off the board: +3 LOY
SPIDER PLAYER: +1 LOY for running. If you kill at least 1 troop per player, +1 CAP.

BACKGROUND: An increase of unsanctioned Psyker activity jeopardizes everyone's survival!
RESTRICTIONS: An Inquisitor player must be present to play this mission (preferrably Ordo Malleus).

SUMMARY: Imperial agents must hunt down and eliminate renegade psykers.
SET UP: Place 3 blips per player, plus 3 Ambush blips per player. Squads start on any board edge.
SPECIAL RULES: AMBUSH blips are renegade Psykers: M6, A1, H1, Melee OOO+1, Shooting as Autopistol, Psy Level 1.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips have been resolved.
REWARDS: +1 Loy for every 3 Psykers killed. INQUISITORS: +1 Cap for every Psyker KOed.

SUMMARY: Warp creatures have found their way here through the renegade psykers, and must be stopped.
NOTE: This game can be played as it's own mission during ship travels through the warp!
SET UP: Take one Objective blip and five random blips per player and place them anywhere on the board. Teams start on any board edge. Treat Bogus blips as Crazed Crew ambushes.
SPECIAL RULES: AMBUSH blips are Warp Beasts- they will move towards and attack the nearest model they can get to (even if it is another warp beast!). They will attack non-psykers with MIND WAR (See RC psyker rules), and others with Melee. Although they have a psy value for Mind War, they do not draw or use any Psy cards.If a warp beast kills a model with Mind War, replace the victim with a Crazed Crew!   If a Warp Beast kills a model in Melee, replace the victim with another Warp Beast!  Use Chaos Spawn or other hideous models to represent them.
Warp Beast STATS: M8, A1, H6, Melee OOOOO, Psy-3.
Crazed Crew STATS: M6, A1, H1, Melee OO, Ranged= Autogun.
OBJECTIVE blips are Warp Gates. They can only be damaged by melee attacks. Use Warhammer Quest arches or other doorways to represent them. STATS: M0, A10, H3, Melee OOO.
GAME ENDS WHEN: All blips have been resolved and all Warp Beasts and Warp Gates have been destroyed.
REWARDS: For each Warp Beast killed, +1 Exp. For each Warp Gate destroyed, +1 Loy.

BACKGROUND: An outpost has been invaded by enemies, driving the inhabitants out into harsh conditions.  You must find the survivors before they die of exposure to the harsh conditions, and reclaim the outpost!

SUMMARY:  Locate any survivors before they die of exposure
SET UP: Central outpost building, plus surrounding hostile terrain.  Place  7 blips per player, plus 3 objective blips (the survivors), anywhere but in the outpost.
SPECIAL RULES: AMBUSH blips should be nasty- after all, they took over the base!  Try Warp Beasts or Chaos Spawn...  Also, adverse conditions are ideal for this scenario, especially snow or sand storms...
ELAPSED TIME:  Keep track of how many turns elapse.  When a survivor is found, roll a D6- if your roll is equal to or greater than the number of turns elapsed, the survivor is still alive.  Otherwise, they have died of exposure!
GAME ENDS WHEN:  All 3 objective blips are found.
REWARDS: +2 Loy for each survivor found alive.

SUMMARY: Reclaim the outpost
SET UP:  Set up a space hulk interior to represent the underground portion of the outpost.  Place ALL of the ambush blips, plus 5 blips per player.
SPECIAL RULES: AMBUSH blips should be really nasty, of course.  Lesser enemies should ambush when a BOGUS or LOOT blip are found as well.
GAME ENDS WHEN:  All blips revealed.
REWARDS: +1 Experience to squad that kills the most enemies.

BACKGROUND: Deadly creatures have gotten loose in the base / ship / city, and threaten to destroy it!
RESTRICTIONS: May not requisition vehicles.

SUMMARY: You must eliminate the threats, and recover valuable supplies before they are eaten!
SET UP:  Set up a space hulk interior to represent the hold.  Place 8 blips per player.
SPECIAL RULES: DAMAGE.  While still at large, enemies are doing damage every turn!  At the end of each turn, roll a white die- that much will be deducted from your earned Cap at the end of the game!  If you have a tech priest or techmarine, you may reroll the damage roll at the cost of 1 action.
ENEMIES: For Tyranids:  Ambush = Leech, Objective = Loot + Lictor, Bogus = Genestealer. Lictor for Objective blips, and Genestealers for bogus.
For  Warp Beasts: (see Witch Hunt above for stats), Ambush = Warp Beast, Loot = Psyker, Bogus = Crazed Crew.
For Orks: Ambush = Nob, Loot = Ork, Bogus = Gretchin.
GAME ENDS WHEN:  All blips resolved
REWARDS: Loot blips are worth at least 1 CAP, minus any damage values incurred.

BACKGROUND:  A deadly new virus has wiped out a research station and must be stopped before it spreads...
RESTRICTIONS: None.  Note however that this is a very tough scenario, and it is recommended to bring as many medics as possible.

SUMMARY: A deadly virus has been discovered.  It may be a genetic experiment gone wrong, a nasty alien spore, or even the work of Nurgle.  You must destroy any potential carriers of the virus while warding off it's effects yourself, plus you must rescue any surviving scientists as they may know how to stop the virus.
SET UP:  Place scenery to represent a research station, lab, plague ward, or any location a virus would break out.  Randomly place one objective blip per player (maximum of 3 blips), plus 8 random blips per player.
BLIPS: Loot blips are accompanied by a Plague Marine!  Bogus blips generate 1 red die +1 worth of zombies.  Ambush blips are Plague Beasts.  If "extra" objective blips are found, treat them as an ambushing Plague Marine Lord, and award 1 Loy to the squad that kills them.

SPECIAL RULES: When a model is killed, leave them on the board, face down.  Note that the bodies cannot be recovered nor can progenids be extracted, as the body is contaminated.  If a medic spends an action within 1" of a killed model, or if the killed model's armor is beaten by a flamer attack, the body may be removed.
NOTE: any squad equipped with an immunizer may reroll Infection rolls, but they are not completely immune, and mutation still takes full effect- no reroll allowed!

INFECTION.  At the start of the "enemy" turn, roll a red die for all wounded models (except enemies).  0= No change.  1= Fever: If there are any models within 3" of the wounded, they will shoot at the nearest model, whether friend or foe!  2= Model dies!  Place face down. (survivors take a Wound).   3= Corrupted!  Replace armor 0 and armor 1 models with a Plague Zombie (stats below).  Replace armor 2 or better models with a Plague Marine (stats below).  Replace armor 2 or better models that have multiple hits with a Plage Marine Lord.
MUTATION.  At the start of the  "enemy" turn, roll a red die for all dead models on the board (except enemies).  0= Remove from the board.  1= Decaying.  Leave on board, check again next turn.  2= Corrupted!  Replace armor 0 and armor 1 models with a Plague Zombie (stats below).  Replace armor 2 or better models with a Plague Marine (stats below).  Replace armor 2 or better models that have multiple hits with a Plage Marine Lord. 3= Plague Beast!  Replace the model with a plague beast.
 Enemy M A H  Melee  Special
 Zombie 4+OO 1 1 OO Shamble. Plague. Undead. Mob.
 Plague Marine 6 2 1 OOooo R Plague.  Undead.  May rapid fire bolter.
 Plague Beast  6 1 6 OOOOOO Plague.
Marine Lord 6 2 5 OOOOO RO Plague.  Undead.  May fire plasma pistol.
Shamble: random move, may not take extra move, must attack nearest enemy.  Undead: ignores W, KO.  Mob: up to 3 may combine melee.
All enemies use the "horror" rules.  HORROR: Once killed, place the model face down and on it's next turn, roll a red die:  0= Dead- remove from play.
1= Languishing: roll again next turn.  2= Makes a last attack, then dies.  3= Makes a last attack and is alive again, with 1 hit.

GAME ENDS WHEN:  All blips resolved.
REWARDS:    Roll a white die for each Plague Beast your squad killed- if you roll anything, earn an extra Experience.  Earn +1 Loy for every survivor you rescued (assuming they live through the entire game).  Loot blips are worth a minimum of 1 Capital.

BACKGROUND: Use this template to write up your own missions!



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