By Sean Patten

SET UP:  Set up the board as shown.  The orange dots are where encounter tokens should be placed, face down.  Place one townsfolk on each space with a red X on it.
Each player may start with two points of critters.  
The critters start inside their start space.
 HOW TO WIN: The first player to earn 7 points is the winner! 

SET UP:  Set up the board as shown below.  The orange dots are where encounter tokens should be placed, face down.  Place one townsfolk on each space with a red X on it.  The red arrows indicate where CARS enter and what direction they go.  ALL spaces along the path of the arrow are considered a LANE.

CRITTERS: Each player may start with two points of critters.   The critters start inside their start space.
SPECIAL RULES: CARS.  Each turn, after moving the townsfolk, check the two LANES.  Place a CAR at the red arrow for any LANE that does not have any townsfolk in it. 
HOW TO WIN: The first player to earn 7 points is the winner! 

SET UP:  Set up the board as shown below.  The orange dots are where encounter tokens should be placed, face down.  Place TWO townsfolk on each space with a red X on it (each player runs 2 townsfolk instead of 1).

CRITTERS: Each player may start with three points of critters.  For example, a weasel and a raccoon would be 3 points.  The critters start inside their start space.
It is possible to make a townsfolk LEAVE THE BOARD in this scenario!  Any time a townsfolk is moved because they lost a scuffle, if the move can take them off the board, they count as being DRIVEN OUT.  The player who caused them to leave earns 2 points!  Once they have left, townsfolk will not return. 
HOW TO WIN: The game ends when all eight townsfolk have been driven out of town.  At that moment, the player with the most points wins!