Skill Cards for Necromunda

Stealth, Tech, Faith, Muscle skills (print 2 copies)

Agility, Melee, Rep, Shooting (print 3 copies!!!)

Mutant Skills (print 1 copy)

Psyker Skills 1 (print 1 copy)

Psyker Skills 2 (print 1 copy)

Loot Cards for Necromunda

Special Ammo, Gun Accessories (print 2 copies)

Rarities and Relics (print only 1 copy of this page!)

Grenades and Bombs (print 2 copies)

Tools and Drugs (print 2 copies)

Loot Blips (print only 1 copy of these counters)

To make a deck of cards, print out each of the following pages. Be sure to print multiple copies when instructed to do so- you want more of those cards to keep the deck ratios right. Once you have printed the pages out, buy a can of Spray Adhesive from your local art or crafts store, and mount the sheets onto some card, cardboard, or card stock that has a consistant look to it (so the cards are indestinguishable from the back). At this point, I highly recommend using a Paper Cutter to cut your cards out- Scissors are more work and not as consistant. Once finished, you can assemble your cards into a nice deck that will last for hundreds of games! Be sure not to lose or damage your cards, although you should have no trouble replacing them if need be (as long as you know which card you wish to replace).

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