Part 4- Painting
Before priming the piece, we'll need to stencil off the windows.  Rather than using masking tape, get some paper and cut it into a rectangular shape just a bit bigger than the window.  Insert the paper at an angle and work it around until it sits completely under the window panel.  Once all the windows are masked, prime the piece with flat black spray paint.

Use a drybrush to apply your base color to all the flat surfaces (I used a blue-green).  Any areas that will be drybrushed brown don't need to be hit with the base color, so skip ahead to see what you can skip on the base coating.

Using a dark brown, drybrush the tape reel, ladder, and railing spikes...

The upper part of the tower, inside and out...

and the entire underside of the platform including the pipes.

Next, mix up a rust wash and hit all the rivets, cracks, and brown areas you want.

Once that wash is dry, mix up a light brown wash and do the same, but apply less this time around.

When the washes are dry, lightly drybrush the entire model with gray to pick up the highlights.

Next, use a dull metallic colors like steel and brass to drybrush highlights on the metal parts.   You can hit the edges and corners of the entire model, just do it sparingly.

You can highlight any skulls you want with some white to make them stand out.

At this point, you can remove the stencils.  Slide them upward with your finger until you can grab ahold of the bottom edge...

Then twist and pull the paper down and out of the window.

To dull down the windows a bit, mix up a thin wash of dark brown and apply it to the windows.  You can also use it for a grunge wash on any surfaces that need more grime.

Paint the lamp light blue and highlight with white.

For a bit of flair, add decals as you see fit.  I found just adding caution stripes to one end was enough- the model has so much detail it doesn't need many decals!

You can polish the windows a bit if you want by rubbing the high surfaces with a clean, dry cloth.  

The finished piece, ready for action.  Turn  the light on and enjoy the show!

The completed Plasma Tower

Copyright 2007 Sean Patten

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