Colors |
Source |
Dark Angels |
![]() |
Dark Green | Lion El' Jonson (missing) | Caliban (X) | The Rock (asteroid base)
Recruit worlds: Piscina V |
13th BC.
Characters: Luther (traitor- led Dark Angels known as the Fallen). Azrael, Ezekiel , Bethor, Sapphon, Asmodai |
Angels of Absolution, Angels of Redemption, Angels of Vengeance (unforgiven) | IA:v1 |
Emperor's children |
![]() |
Purple | Fulgrim
(daemon Prince) |
Chemos (X) | (EOT) | Slaanesh.
13th Black Crusade. Characters: Lucius the Eternal, Fabius Bile (ex- Lt. Cmdr) |
IA:v1 |
Iron Warriors |
![]() |
Steel, Brass | Perturabo
(daemon Prince) |
Olympia (X) | Medrengard (EOT) | Siege masters.
Rivals: Imperial Fists. 13th Black Crusade. |
IA:v1 |
White Scars |
![]() |
White | Jaghatai
Khan (missing) |
Mundus Planus | Mundus Planus | Fast attack. | Marauders, Rampagers, Destroyers, Storm Lords | IA:v1 |
Space Wolves |
![]() |
Grey | Lemann
Russ (missing) |
Fenris | Fenris (the Fang) | Geneseed Flaw (Wulfen)
Rivals: Thousand Sons. Fully committed vs 13th Black Crusade. |
Wolf Brothers | WD257 p.104 |
Imperial Fists |
![]() |
Yellow | Rogal Dorn (killed) | Inwit?
Earth? |
Fortress Monastery "Phalanx" | Siege masters.
Rivals: Iron Warriors. Characters: Sgt. Lysander, Chapter Master Vladimir Pugh, Chaplain Lo Chang, Librarian Franz Grenstein |
Black Templars, Crimson Fists | WD258 p.76
N: Space Marine |
Night Lords |
![]() |
Dark Blue | Konrad Curze, aka Night Haunter (assassinated) | Nostramo (X) | Tsagualsa [EF] until Curze assassinated, now in EOT | Night fighters, Stealth infiltrators, Terror tactics, Night vision. 13th Black Crusade. |
WD259 p.57 |
Blood Angels |
![]() |
Red | Sanguinius (killed by Horus) | Baal Secundus | Baal Prime, Secundus | Geneseed Flaw (Red Thirst). Characters: Dante (LORD), Cleutin (vet sgt), Mephiston (chief librarian), Corbulo (apothecary), Tycho (captain) | Angels Encarmine, Angels Sanguine, Angels Vermilion, Blood Drinkers, Flesh Tearers | WD260 p.88 |
Iron Hands |
![]() |
Black | Ferrus Manus
(missing) |
Medusa | Medusa (EOT) | Bionics used to replace perceived weakness.
Characters: Iron-Father Paullian Blantar, Dreadnought Blannus Defended Medusa from 10,000 renegade tanks during13th BC. |
Red Talons, Brazen Claw | WD261 p.44
WD287 p.69 |
World Eaters |
![]() |
(white, blue pre-heresy) |
Angron (daemon prince) | Unknown
(Planet included a Mtn. known as Fedan Mhor- site of slave rebellion led by Angron) |
Scattered since Skalathrax | Khorne.
Psycho-Surgery (agression) 13th Black Crusade. Character: Kharn the Betrayer |
WD262 p.36 |
Ultra- marines |
![]() |
Blue | Roboute Guilliman (killed by Fulgrim) | Macragge | Macragge (Defended from Hive Fleet Kraken invasion)
Charadon Crusade 13th BC (1 honor company) |
Most stable Geneseed. Originator of Codex. Characters: Marneus Calgar (MASTER), Tigurius (Chief Librarian), Cassius (Chaplain), Helveticus (Standard), Invictus (Capt, 1st Co.) | Aurora, Black Consuls, Eagle Warriors, Genesis Chapter, Inceptors, Libators, Nemesis, Novamarines, Patriarchs of Ulixis, Praetors of Orpheus, Silver Eagles, White Consuls. (total 23 2nd founding) | WD263 p.18 |
Death Guard |
![]() |
Green / brown
(off-white pre- heresy) |
Mortarion (daemon prince) | Barbarus (X) | Plague Planet (EOT) | Nurgle.
13th Black Crusade (Subiaco Diablo). Character: Typhus |
WD264 |
Thousand Sons |
![]() |
Blue, Yellow
(red pre- heresy) |
Magnus the Red (daemon prince) | Prospero (X) | Planet of the Sorcerors (EOT) | Tzeentch.
Most mutated gene seed of all primarchs. Rivals: Space Wolves. 13th Black Crusade. Character: Ahriman. |
WD266 p.62 |
(Luna Wolves) (Sons of Horus) Black Legion |
![]() |
(light grey)
(pale green) Black |
Horus (killed by Emperor) | Cthonia (X) | EOT | Character: Abaddon (current Commander). Leader of many black crusades including the most recent (13th BC). |
WD267 p.31 |
Word Bearers |
![]() |
Crimson | Lorgar (daemon Prince) | Colchis
(X by Ultra- marines) |
EOT, Maelstrom | Chaos undivided. 13th Black Crusade. |
WD269 p.111 |
Sala- manders |
![]() |
Green, Black pads | Vulkan (missing) | Nocturne | Prometheus (moon of Nocturne) | Smallest 1st founding legion. Loyal in Badab War. Characters: Tu'shan (chapter master), Xavier (Chaplain) |
WD273 p.114 |
Raven Guard |
![]() |
Black | Corax (missing, left for Eye of Terror) | Deliverance
(renamed- originally Lycaeus. Moon of Kiavahr forge world) |
Deliverance (Ravenspire tower) | Guerilla Warfare.
Geneseed Flaw (no Mucranoid, Betcher's, mutated Melanchrome) |
Black Guard, Revilers, Raptors | WD275 P.96 |
Alpha Legion |
![]() |
Blue, Green | Alpharius (Killed by Guilliman) | No Record | EOT | Infiltration, use of cultists. 13th Black Crusade. |
3C:CSM2 p.40 |
= from 40K novels):
Absolvers, Adulators, Angels of Damnation, Angels of
Penance, Angels of Purgatory, Angels of Repentance, Angels of Retribution,
Angels Penitent, Angels Redeemed, Angels Repentant, Angels Resplendant,
Angels Revenant, Avengers, Benedictors, Black Inculpators, Contenders,
Crimson Shades, Crusaders, Dark Brotherhood, Desert Lions, Dictators, Espandors,
Excubants, Execrators, Exemplars, Hounds of Demos, Inculcators, Invictors,
Inviolators, Liberators, Lords of Wrath, Oblators, Panthers, Penitents,
Purple Stars, Purgators, Ravagers, Reclaimers, Redeemed,
Redeemers, Reparators, Retractors, Rhetors, Star Leopards, Stone
Hearts, Supplicators, Tempestors, Terror Tigers, Tormented, Tormentors,
Tributors, Valedictors, Venerators, Venerators of Osiron, Victors, Vindicators,
Warriors Tempest. (57)
These names are assumed to be variants, misspellings or otherwise duplicates of listed names, the listed name mentioned in (parentheses): Emperor's Scythes (Scythes of the Emperor), Lamentors (Lamenters), Malevolant (Marines Malevolant), Mantis Warriors (Mantis Legion), Marines Errantor (Marines Errant), Mentor Legion (Mentors), Tiger Claws (Astral Claws), Warriors Adept (Warrior Adepts).
multiple sources exist but are not listed, the source(s) listed is the
most current / most detailed. Entries listed in italics are
from novels, or are little more than "example" color schemes (no
real background available). All other sources are official GW publications
including White Dwarf magazine.
Abbreviations explained: WD
= White Dwarf, issue # and page #. RT= 1st Edtition
40K Rogue Trader book. 1Comp.= First Edition 40K compendium
(red book). CA2 = Chapter Approved vol. 2 (2001). CA3
= Chapter Approved vol. 3 (2003). 2C:U =
2nd Edition Codex: Ultramarines. 2C:AOD = 2nd
edition Codex Angels of Death. 2C:Chaos = 2nd Edition Codex:
Chaos. 3C:Arm = Codex Armageddon
IAv1= Index Astartes: volume 1 (3rd edition publication). 3C:CSM2=
3rd edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2nd edition released 2002). 3C:DH
= 3rd Edition Codex: Daemonhunters. Insig= Insignium Astartes
(oversize fluff book). N= Novel (name, page # if applicable) CAP=
Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes POSTER
765.M41: Chapter Losses to date: 13 Lost in warp, 21 Irrecoverable battle losses, 9 Gene seed failure, 4 Inquisitorial purge, 16
There have reportedly been 26 foundings so far.
M31- FIRST- PROGENITOR. (?)- Legions
made up from gene seed samples of the primarchs, even while primarchs scattered
and undiscovered.
M31- SECOND- PRIMOGENITOR. (30,021)- Legions split up into chapters.
It is unclear whether new chapters were built up from gene seed as well.
????- THIRTEENTH- DARK FOUNDING. Unknown number or fate of chapters.
M36? TWENTY-FIRST. Known as the Cursed Founding. Occurs
shortly before the age of apostasy (which was in early M36).
M41- (40, 736)- TWENTY-SIXTH.
Astartes Praeses- a group of 20 chapters formed with the express purpose
of of guarding the Eye of Terror.
According to 2nd edition background, 9 of
the Primarchs "survived" the Horus Heresy- the rest died or fled into the
Eye of Terror. We know that Sanguinius and Horus died.
We also know (as of WD 261) that Ferrus Manus is presumed dead at Isstvan
V (though his body may have been recovered and taken to Mars). We know
that Guilliman, Jonson, Khan, Russ, Dorn, Vulkan, and Corax survived (especially
since they are mentioned in the most recent Black Templars background).
That makes 7 loyal primarchs. The other two could be those
from the deleted records (the 2nd and 11th legions).
The more likely possibility is that Konrad Curze and Alpharius count as
survivors, as they did not become Daemon Princes nor were they killed until
AFTER the heresy.
Note also that the 2nd edition background indicates
that of those 9 primarchs, all of them had died (or disappeared?) after
1400 years (of being created, presumably). Their remains have
since become relics, particularly the tomb of Roboute Guilliman.
Rumours exist of the possibility that Lemann Russ, Ferrus Manus, Corax,
and Lion El' Jonson will return some day, of course...
Six of the Traitor Primarchs have gone on to become Daemon
Princes (Fulgrim, Angron, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Perturabo, Lorgar).
Konrad Curze is confirmed dead (by an Assassin) according to background
in the 2nd Edition Chaos codex and the 3rd edition Assassin codex, though
he was killed after the heresy, not during. The IA article on the
Alpha Legion settles the fate of Alpharius- killed in single combat by
Roboute Guilliman after the Horus Heresy. Guilliman was in turn killed
by the daemon prince Fulgrim, long after the heresy was over.
Killed during Horus Heresy | Loyalists that Survived Heresy | Killed after Heresy | Daemon Princes | Missing |
Sanguinius, Horus, (Ferrus Manus) | Guilliman, Jonson, Khan, Russ, Dorn, Vulkan, and Corax | Curze, Alpharius, Guilliman | Fulgrim, Angron, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Perturabo, Lorgar | Jonson, Khan, Russ, Manus, Vulkan, Corax |
According to various backgrounds (which all agree on this point), Horus
had Five Legions that had sided with him (and against the Emperor) before
the Isstvan V event. Seven legions were sent against him at Isstvan
V- Four of which changed sides and joined Horus (referred to most recently
in the second printing of the 3rd Edition Codex Chaos Space Marines, and
the Index Astartes: Raven Guard- WD 275 p.101), the other Three of which
were destroyed (more on that later).
(role unknown) |
Sons of Horus (Horus' own Legion)
Night Lords Word Bearers Alpha Legion Thousand Sons (attacked by Space Wolves prior to conflict) |
Iron Warriors
Emperor's Children (corrupted by Horus just before conflict) World Eaters (Recruited instead of subdued by Horus) Death Guard |
Iron Hands
Salamanders Raven Guard |
Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves | Legion #2
Legion #11 |
According to IA: Word Bearers (WD 269 p.113), the Word Bearers
were the first legion to be corrupted by Chaos. The Night
Lords are stated to have gone renegade before the Horus Heresy even
broke out. The Word Bearers were already followers of Chaos
before officially joining Horus, and had also sent a massive force against
the Ultramarines homeworlds around this time. The Emperor's Children
were reportedly corrupted by Horus when they were sent to bargain for peace
right before the conflict. The Iron Warriors themselves
are specifically said to turn at Isstvan V. The only conflict with the
information above is the turning of the World Eaters, whom Horus
was sent to subdue before Isstvan V, and he recruits them instead.
It seems unlikely that anyone would send the World Eaters to subdue Horus
after they had previously sent Horus to subdue the World Eaters.
With the advent of Decipher's Horus Heresy CCG (and corresponding art
book), some of the classic background surrounding Horus and the legions
has been brought back into light (though it appears to conflict with the
background from the Index Astartes articles on some points). In summary,
Horus was wounded on Davin and tended to by the warrior lodges there, who
converted Horus to the worship of Chaos. Horus then had marines from
the Emperor's children, World Eaters, and Death Guard inducted into these
warrior lodges. When Horus and these three legions were sent to subdue
a tyrant on Isstvan III, Horus and the other corrupted primarchs agreed
to eliminate the marines in their legions known to still be loyal to the
Emperor. The loyalists were sent to subdue the planet, and after
they succeeded, the traitor ships virus bombed Isstvan III. It did
not kill all the loyalist marines though, and a handful of Emperor's Children,
World Eaters, and Death Guard loyalists were still on board the orbiting
ships. Led by Captain Garro of the Death Guard, these loyalists escaped
on the frigate Eisenstein to warn the Emperor of this betrayal.
Some of the loyal Emperor's Children marines (led by captain Tarvitz I
believe) made their way to the planet surface in a Thunderhawk, to
tell their suriviving brethren of the betrayal. A bloody fight ensued
over the wasted ruins of Isstvan III when the traitors dropped to the planet
to wipe out their loyalist brothers. The Isstvan III massacres were
the first (and possibly last) time marines of the same Legion fought on
both sides of a conflict.
The Index Astartes articles name these legions, nullifying my original
assumption that two of the three Legions destroyed at Isstvan V are the
ones Deleted from Records (Number 2 and 11). In the Iron Hands IA
article (WD 261), it is clearly stated that Ferrus Manus and his veterans
spearheaded the attack on Horus' forces along with 2 other Legions (and
later refers to the Salamanders and Raven Guard legions). This
information is confirmed in the Raven Guard IA (WD 275, p.99).
Since only a small force of Iron Hands could
get to Isstvan V in time, the rest of the Legion survived the massacre,
carrying on to this day and yielding successor chapters even though Ferrus
Manus was killed in the conflict. The Salamanders continue
on (though they have no known successor chapters!)- Vulkan survived
the heresy according to the background in Codex: Armageddon (under the
Black Templars of all places), so it was possible for the Salamanders to
be built back up from almost nothing if need be. The Raven Guard
Legion was shattered, but Corax survived, and resorted to accelerated Zygote
development only to create monsters which were never spoken of. The
Raven Guard operated in small squads behind enemy lines until they could
finally build up their forces again, nearly a century after the end of
the Horus Heresy. They also welcomed the Index Astartes principle
of breaking up the legions, forming 3 successor chapters.
In addition to chemical treatment, hypnotherapy, and training, nineteen
organs were developed during the original creation of the superhuman breed
known as Space Marines. Over the millenia, some chapters have lost
some of these organs to geneseed flaw or other issues. The presence
(and deterioration) of some of these organs defines some space marine chapters.
1. Secondary Heart. The secondary heart is capable of boosting the blood supply or maintaining full life functions even with the destruction of the recipients original heart. The phase 1 implant enables Marines to survive low oxygen concentrations and traumatic injury.
2. Ossmodula. This is a small sized tubular shaped organ. The Ossmodula monitors and secretes hormones affecting epiphyseal fusion and ossification of the skeleton. At the same time, the specially engineered hormones encourage the forming bones to absorb ceramic based chemicals administered in the Marines diet. Two years following implantation, this will have caused considerable strengthening of the long-bones; extreme ossification of the chest cavity (caused by growth of the ribs forming a solid mass of inter-laced bone plates) and a general increase in the size of the recipients skeleton.
3. Biscopea. This organ is implanted into the chest cavity. It is small, approximately circular and, like the Ossmodula its primary action is hormonal to stimulate muscle growth throughout the body.
4. Haemastamen. This tiny organ is implanted into a main blood vessel. The Haemastamen serves two purposes. It monitors and to some degree controls the phase 2 and 3 implants. The organ also alters the constituent make-up of the recipients blood. As a result, Marine blood is considerably more efficient than ordinary human blood, as it has to be when you consider the extra biological hardware a Marine carries inside him.
5. Larraman Organ. This is a liver shaped, dark, fleshy organ about the size of a golf ball. It is implanted into the chest cavity along with a complicated array of blood vessels. The organ generates and stores special Larraman cells. If the recipient is wounded, these cells are released into the blood stream. They are transported to the site of a wound. Once in contact with air, the Larraman cells form a skin substitute of instant scar tissue, stopping the flow of blood and protecting exposed wound area.
6. Catalepsean Node. This brain implant is usually inserted into the back of the skull via a hole drilled into the occipital bone. The pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the bodies response to sleep deprivation. Normally a Marine sleeps like any normal man, but if deprived of sleep, the Catalepsean node cuts in. A man implanted with the node is capable of sleeping and remaining awake at the same time by switching off areas of the brain sequentially. This process cannot replace normal sleep entirely, but increases a Marines survivability by allowing perception of the environment whilst resting.
7. Preomnor. The Preomnor is a large implant which fits into the chest cavity. It is a pre-digestive stomach which allows the Marine to eat a variety of otherwise poisonous or indigestible materials. No actual digestion takes place in the Preomnor. Individual sensory tubes assess potential poisons and neutralize them or where necessary, isolate the Preomnor from the rest of the digestive tract.
8. Omophagea. This complicated implant becomes part of the brain, but is actually situated within the spinal cord between the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Four nerve sheaths called neuroglia are implanted between the spine and the Preomnor wall. The Omophagea is designed to absorb genetic material generated in animal tissue as a function of memory, experience or innate ability. A Marine can actually learn by eating. Incidentally, it is the presence of this organ which has created the various flesh and blood drinking rituals for which the Marines are famous, as well as giving the names to Chapters such as the Blood Drinkers, Flesh Tearers etc.
9. Multi-lung. This is another large implant. The multi-lung, or third lung, is a tubular grey organ. Blood is pumped through the organ via connecting vessels grafted onto the recipients pulmonary system. Atmosphere is taken in by means of a sphincter located in the trachea. In toxic atmospheres, an associated sphincter muscle closes the trachea and restricts normal breathing, thus protecting the lungs. The multi-lung is able to absorb oxygen from poorly oxygenated or poisonous air. Most importantly it is able to do this without suffering damage thanks to its own efficient toxin dispersal, neutralization and regeneration systems.
10. Occulobe. This small slug-like organ sits at the base of the brain. It provides the hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable a Marines eyes to respond to optic-therapy. The Occulobe does not itself improve a Marin's eyesight, but it allows technicians to make adjustments to the growth patterns of the eye and the light-receptive retinal cells. An adult Marine has far better eyesight than a normal human, and can see in low light conditions almost as well as in daylight.
11. Lyman's Ear. The organ enables a Marine to consciously enhance and even filter certain types of background noise. Not only is hearing improved, but a Marine cannot become dizzy or nauseous as a result of extreme disorientation.
12. Sus-an Membrane. This flat, circular organ is implanted over the top of the exposed brain. It then grows into the brain tissue until completely merged. The organ is ineffective without subsequent chemical therapy and training. However, a properly tutored Marine may then enter into a state of suspended animation. This may be a conscious action, or may happen automatically in the event of extreme physical trauma. In this condition a Marine may survive for many years, even if bearing otherwise fatal injuries. Only appropriate chemical therapy and auto-suggestion can revive a Marine from this state - a Marine cannot revive himself.
13. The Melanochrome, or Melanochromic Organ, is hemispherical and black. It monitors radiation levels and types bombarding the skin, and if necessary, sets off chemical reactions to darken the skin to protect it from ultraviolet exposure. It also provides limited protection from other forms of radiation. Some
14. Oolitic Kidney. This red-brown and heart shaped organ improves and modifies the Marines circulatory system enabling other implants to function effectively. The Oolitic Kidney also filters blood extremely efficiently and quickly. The secondary heart and Oolitic Kidney are able to act together, performing an emergency detoxification program in which the Marine is rendered unconscious as his blood is circulated at high speed. This enables a Marine to survive poisons and gases which are otherwise too much for even the multi-lung to cope with.
15. Neuroglottis. Although the Preomnor protects a Marine from digesting anything too deadly, the Neuroglottis enables him to assess a potential food by taste. The organ is implanted into the back of the mouth. By chewing, or simply by tasting, a Marine can detect a wide variety of natural poisons, some chemicals and even the distinctive odours of some creatures. To some degree a Marine is also able to track a target by taste alone.
16. Mucranoid. This small organ is implanted in the lower intestine where its hormonal secretions are absorbed by the colon. These secretions initiate a modification of the sweat glands. This modification normally makes no difference to the Marine until activated by appropriate chemical therapy. As a result of this treatment the Marine sweats an oily naturally cleansing substance which coats the skin. This protects the Marine against extremes of temperature and even offers a slight degree of protection in vacuum. Mucranoid chemical therapy is standard procedure on long space voyages and when fighting in vacuum or near vacuum.
17. Betchers Gland. Two of these identical glands are implanted, either into the lower lip, alongside the salivary glands or into the hard palette. Betchers Gland works in a similar way to the poison gland of venomous reptiles by synthesizing and storing deadly poison. Marines are rendered immune to this poison by the glands presence. The gland allows the Marine to spit a blinding contact poison. The poison is also highly acidic and corrosive. A Marine imprisoned behind iron bars could easily chew his way out given an hour or so.
18. Progenoid. There are two of these glands, one situated in the neck, the other deep within the chest cavity. These glands are important to the survival of the Marines Chapter. Each organ grows within the Marine, absorbing hormonal stimuli and genetic material from the other implants. After five years the neck gland is mature and ready for removal. After ten years the chest gland becomes mature and is also ready for removal. A gland may be removed anytime after it has matured. These glands represent a Chapters only source of gene-seed. When mature, each gland contains a single gene-seed corresponding to each zygote implanted into the recipient Marine. Once removed by surgery, the Progenoid must be carefully prepared, its individual gene-seeds checked for mutation, and stored. Since the survival of a chapter depends on these glands, they are universally present in all conteporary chapters.
19. Black Carapace. This is the last and the most distinctive implant. It looks like a film of black plastic when it is growing in the tanks. This is removed from its culture-solution and cut into sheets which are implanted directly beneath the skin of the Marines torso. Within a few hours the tissue expands, hardens on the outside, and sends invasive neural bundles deep inside the Marine. After several months the carapace will have matured and the recipient is then fitted with neural sensors and transfusion points cut into the hardened carapace. These artificial plug-in points mesh with features integral to the powered armour, such as the monitoring, medicinal and maintenance units. Without the benefit of a black carapace a Space Marines armour is relatively useless, so every functional chapter has Black Carapace implants.